
Welcome to 香港六合彩. The Examinations Department is here to assist students with any exams related queries.

Contact the team on or call into the Exams Office (Main Building, near Costa)


Students can access more detailed information about exams through Canvas and Cedar.  Parents/Carers can also access information at key points in the year through Cedar - please see the guide here.


Examination Sessions

Exams take place every year in:

October & November - GCSE and University Entrance Exams

December - A2 A level mock examinations and A2 Criminology controlled assessment

January - BTEC exams, A1 CACHE Childcare and Health & Social Care external assessments

February - A2 CACHE Childcare external assessment

March - BTEC set tasks, A2 mock examinations, GCSE Maths and English mock exams, Core Maths mock exams, Criminology A2 & A1 mock exams

April - A1 Progression exams, A level Art externally set assignments and Functional Skills exams

May & June - A Level, GCSE, BTEC and Functional Skills exams, A level Art externally set assignments

June - A1 Criminology controlled assessment


Exam Timetables

Generic timetables are produced in advance of each set of exams and they can be viewed on the exams noticeboard or on the 'Exams' section of Canvas as well as on the page on the website.

Individual student timetables are produced once all exam entries have been made and are e-mailed to students via their college email accounts.



Results are released to students via their college email accounts.

Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador